Funny Park

How long has it been since you had a blast in some kind of a fun park? Let’s fix that! In Funny Park, you have to make it out of a desolate and grim entertainment location in the middle of the night. And you won’t be alone in this dreadful place – someone is after you, so you need to get out, fast!

Welcome to a park of horrors!

So you find yourself alone in a dilapidated amusement park, surrounded by abandoned rides and forgotten attractions. You make your way through it as the once-merry lights flicker on, and eerie music fills the air. And then you hear the distant laughter of a demented killer mascot echoing through the darkness. It’s like stepping into a nightmare version of Disneyland, where the only goal is survival!

One ride away from death!

Your goal is is to navigate the twisted paths of Funny Park and find a way out before the crazed killer mascot catches up to you. Choose your path carefully, stay alert every single second and figure out how to interact with the objects around you to secure your successful escape. One wrong move, and you’ll find yourself face-to-face with a horrifying fate! Stay on your toes, use your keen senses, and trust your gut instincts to outwit the killer and survive the night.

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