Grimace’s Birthday Unblocked

If you follow all gaming novelties and cool releases, you must have heard about a plethora of games about the Grimace shake. What is so special about this beverage that it inspired so many fans to develop online games? It literally went viral in a record time. Are you interested to discover more about this strange trend with horror elements? Then keep reading to find out more about the story. Everything has started with Grimace, a well-known mascot of McDonald’s. It is his birthday soon, and he gets a weird present – a new shake in bright purple color.

What is so special about it?

At first glance, the beverage does not look suspicious. It only has the same color as the birthday boy. You know well Grimace is purple. It even seems to be very delicious. But this impression is false. Whoever tries this beverage, immediately feels the consequences, and they are far from being pleasant. On the contrary, many of them simply fell down dead! The strange purple milkshake kills everyone who tastes it. Even if it looks absolutely harmless. Are you still ready to check the further story? There is very little chance you will actually like it as it is a fight for life. Very few players are going to win it. But if you believe your wits are working flawlessly, maybe you still have a tiny chance to survive?

Enjoy all mini-games!

It is a collection of short horror episodes. They all have very similar scenario. The main hero or a heroine is to drink the Grimase shake. After this, the most interesting part of the story begins. The shake will affect them in different ways. Some will experience agony and simply die, while others will have to fight for their life. It is difficult to predict the further events – you may even teleport to some scary place where you will have to pass tricky quests to succeed. In some episodes, you will face transformed Grimase. Usually friendly, the character will turn into a monster following you. Will you manage to avoid the most painful outcome? Test your agility in thin unconventional adventure. You may also just watch how others react to this strange shake. Have incredible fun!

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